The most prominent participants in the Prague Spring were cut off from their jobs and futures.
Barry was a prominent participant from the 13th district in the 1835 convention that drafted Michigan's first constitution.
A number of prominent participants in the coup have been tried, and some convicted, in 2004 and 2005.
One of the prominent participants in the movement was Viktor Alksnis.
But some of the more prominent participants in today's rally had committed themselves to rides of less than a hundred miles.
He was a prominent participant in the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of 1853.
Frank Ryan was perhaps the most prominent Irish participant.
He was a prominent participant in the movement known as "the New Quest for the historical Jesus"
All three were prominent participants in the proletarian literary movement, an important and politically radical current within modern Japanese literature.
After the general's great gamble, the Viet Cong would no longer be a prominent participant in the war.