He projected a long-term troop level of 20,000, including a rapid-reaction force of 2,000 American troops "to provide punch where it's needed."
Forward Donnell Williams provided scoring punch with 17 points, and Duane Jordan led the Pirates' rebounding binge with 9.
If the countertops and appliances are white or gray, a brightly colored piece of glass will provide punch.
The supercharged versions provided superrb mid-range punch, compared to the peakier naturally aspirated models.
Counting on Geren, a .180 hitter, to provide punch fit the game's bizarre script.
In addition to tea, larger parties may provide punch, or in cold weather, hot chocolate.
Guard Gary Saunders, a transfer from Georgia Tech, should provide offensive punch.
The combination of a larger caliber and shorter size provides better punch during short range combat.
Communication can exhibit two kinds of symmetry, two kinds of alignment, each of which provides emotional punch.
He provided both physical presence and offensive punch for the NHL's New York Islanders during their four-year run as Stanley Cup champions.