In addition, authorities provide remedies and sanctions, and collectively these constitute a criminal justice system.
Copyright holders have demanded that states provide criminal sanctions for all types of copyright infringement.
Statute may also strengthen enforcement of consumer protection by providing criminal or regulatory sanctions.
An act providing economic sanctions against the Government of South Africa, vetoed Sept. 26, 1986.
If the state provides specific sanctions against health care providers who fail to honor written directives, they should be referred to in the document.
Some of them provide specific sanctions and penalties for those who engage in discrimination.
By providing new sanctions for spending, Patten helped create a cultural landscape where consumer debt could find a decent suburban home.
(ii) providing rewards or sanctions for individual children or teachers.
Campbell argues that religion is necessary for civil order and happiness because it provides moral sanctions that political laws cannot.
- this directive must provide dissuasive sanctions to be applied by the Member States in the event of infringement of national legislation.