The judge had decided that an independent psychiatrist should evaluate the case.
In the month before Mr. Williams's next sentencing date on the Bronx drug charge, psychiatrists on Rikers Island will further evaluate him and review his psychiatric history.
During that investigation, a clinical psychiatrist evaluated him as someone who was "certainly capable of homicidal thought and homicidal action."
The psychiatrist evaluated the word.
Since various biological factors can affect mood and behavior, psychiatrists often evaluate these before initiating further treatment.
After pleading not guilty by reason of insanity, psychiatrists evaluated Monge and found him to be sane.
The approach at Stony Book is comprehensive, and an M.S. specialist, pediatric neurologist, pediatric psychiatrist and a neuropsychologist evaluate each patient.
Sixteen months later, the agency sent a psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Speken, to evaluate Ms. Rodriguez.
A psychologist or a psychiatrist will then evaluate the different aspects of the tree drawing as well as the individual's behavior /comments while completing the test.
In Dr. Strain's experiment at Mount Sinai, a psychiatrist evaluated every hip fracture patient.