When one member of a family has cancer, the whole family is affected and, in fact, psychologists consider these family members to be "secondary patients."
Cognitive psychologists consider both "bottom-up" and "top-down" processing when considering almost any area of research, including vision.
Angell believes that functional psychologists must consider the evolution of the mental operations in humans as one particular way to deal with the conditions of our environment.
After two years in the program, the average worker still registered levels of depression above the threshold that most psychologists consider cause for clinical referrals.
Evolutionary psychologists consider human emotions to be best adapted to the life our ancestors led in nomadic foraging bands.
(The psychologists did not consider relative prices, except to specify that survey respondents consider purchases they'd made for more than $100.)
Since both nature and nurture play such interacting roles in development, many modern psychologists and anthropologists consider the contrast naive-representing an outdated state of knowledge.
He argues that the encoding-retrieval match is correlational rather than causal and states that many cognitive psychologists consider the principle to be "sacrosanct".
Evolutionary psychologists consider Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to be important to an understanding of psychology.
Because hatred is believed to be long-lasting, many psychologists consider it to be more of an attitude or disposition than a temporary emotional state.