Foreign language anxiety is a form of what psychologists describe as specific anxiety reaction.
At least that's the way psychologists describe the feelings of some adults whose parents shower extravagant presents on them and their children.
Amateur psychologists would describe them as father figures, replacing the one he lost so early.
In a day, they would be leaving for Israel, the triumphant half of what a psychologist might have described as a bipolar trip.
"The psychiatrists and psychologists correctly describe her as childlike," he added.
A clinical psychologist describes her approach to helping damaged children.
A clinical psychologist who reviewed the footage described the abuse as "torture".
Developmental psychologists describe two general types of praise: specific and global.
He developed what psychologists might describe as a reluctance to address members of his family by their given names or titles.
The psychologist also described how a suspect may also invent details during an interrogation.