Paul Schnabel a sociologist, references Van der Lans, a religious psychologist employed at the Catholic University of Nijmegen.
At the checkpoint, "the ability of people to find things on the X-ray screen is shockingly low," said Dr. Michael B. Cantor, a psychologist formerly employed at Argenbright, one of the nation's largest airport security contractors.
The report, published in April 1991 by a group of educational psychologists employed by Strathclyde, examined the working methods of the Glasgow division of the region's education department, which contains Scotland's largest ethnic minority populations.
Her next appointment in 1942 was as the first educational psychologist employed by the education committee of the city of Edinburgh.
Rez hadn't, and a psychologist employed by the band's man agement had confided in Laney that Rez, whom the psychologist characterized as having narcissistic personality disorder, wasn't likely to.
A clue is provided by a clinical psychologist employed by insurance companies to review mental health claims in the late 1980's.
"People here see the future, and it makes them very depressed," said Ina G. Karpovna, a psychologist employed by the city government.
There are now more psychologists employed by the United States Department of Defense than by any other organization in the world.