In their most recent studies, the psychologists have examined people's assessments of their performance on drivers' tests.
Other psychologists have examined the impact of maternal meta-emotion philosophy on children's attachment inclination.
Developmental psychologists who are interested in social development examine how individuals develop social and emotional competencies.
When feminist psychologists examine areas of specifically female experience, they manage to value them more positively than the traditional psychology of women does.
Cognitive psychologists have examined the relationship between working memory and inattention, but evidence is inconclusive.
Often, physiological psychologists examine the effects that they study in infrahuman subjects using surgical or invasive techniques and processes.
Environmental psychologists examine how one or more parameters produce an effect while other measures are controlled.
A psychologist by training, Ms. Fine has extensively examined the characteristics of dropouts for a decade.
Stemming from social psychology, psychologists examine the role of the work environment in performance and other outcomes including job satisfaction and health.
And the psychologist examines the kid and his diagnosis is 'Madam, your child is hysterical.