When we unsuccessfully try and suppress our thoughts and end up saying the exact thing we don't want to, psychologists refer to this as an "ironic process".
Some psychologists associate these practices with algolagnia and refer to it as self-harm.
The experimental psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist Endel Tulving refers to memory as "mental time travel", a process unique to humans.
They are the kinds of illnesses that psychologists refer to as culture-bound syndromes.
But under state law at the time, the judge in the case refused to allow evidence of what psychologists now refer to as battered women's syndrome.
Out of the first five dozen interviewed, identified by a preliminary questionnaire as being the most troubled, the psychologist referred half for professional help.
For example, when describing experiments psychologists still refer to the subjects' 'response' to the 'stimulus'materials.
And to demonstrate how far all this politically correct, evasive language has gone, some psychologists are actually now referring to ugly people as "those with severe appearance deficits."
I don't practice voodoo, witchcraft or what psychologists refer to as "magical thinking."
The psychologist also referred briefly to the woman's telling her about being penetrated with a broom handle and a miniature baseball bat.