Overcome with psychotic rage, Skull Man threatens to kill Chisato, who not only kindly welcomes him, but has been looking forward to his arrival.
He said he broke up the partnership because Mr. Nasso was an abusive person who was using mood-elevating drugs and "going into psychotic rages."
That Sunday night in their hotel room, the friend fell into a psychotic rage, beating Lerner with a belt and slashing at him with a knife.
The last thing she needed was to have the Other become ascendant, ruining all her carefully laid-out plans with its psychotic rage.
Highly aggressive Captain Gust suffered from psychotic rages, physically growing larger & stronger each time.
"It keeps me out of psychotic rages," he said.
Pasc, face contorted with a psychotic rage, the symbol pulsing on his forehead, reaches for Etrec's neck-but cannot bring himself to strangle his son.
Some killed people while in psychotic rages induced by the drug.
Her insults drive Abigail into a psychotic rage, and Josh manages to hold her back, introducing himself to Michelle.
The next day, Harold flies into a psychotic rage and rapes his own mother, who commits suicide.