Bok admits to being troubled by public ignorance and inattentiveness.
The public ignorance of the history and geography, the current problems and grievances of the Arab world helps to explain the 75% support for the war.
But the Government's impulse has been to let the banks hide the extent of their losses, as if public ignorance would make matters better.
Racing suffers more from public ignorance than public rejection: the majority of Americans have never been to a race track.
He is not averse to scolding, especially about public ignorance.
I'm all with your friend Huxley that we should enlighten the public ignorance, but one must throw the dog a bone every once in a while.
Given the epistemological nature of Talisse's democratic theory, his work tends to engage questions about public discourse, argumentation, the media, and public ignorance.
There was widespread public ignorance of issues surrounding nuclear weapons, and associated environmental concerns.
Another part of the problem, it must be said, is public ignorance.
"The extreme high level of public ignorance invites exploitation" by opponents of the research, he said.