The actual creator may or may not be publicly credited for the work, and this credit does not affect its legal status.
Acho has been publicly credited by numerous retired NFL and MLB players for improved benefits.
He has publicly credited economist Thomas Schelling and political scientist Richard Neustadt, both at Harvard, as his most influential teachers.
At the time, he was publicly credited with having helped guide the firm's reorganization.
Although Kurosawa never publicly credited Hammett, he privately acknowledged Red Harvest as an influence.
Ayala has publicly credited the influence of Classic Entertainment & Sports as the turning point of his career.
In 1900 she married the writer Gregorio Martínez Sierra, with whom she collaborated as a co-author on many plays that were publicly credited to him alone.
He returns fire in the direction of the assassin, and is publicly credited with taking down the triggerman.
Toya is not publicly credited for Hey Ma, but is credited for the remix.
Up to now, the United States has publicly credited the Soviet Union with 441 of these missiles.