Though not the most powerful punch ever thrown, Stretch's right hook was delivered with perfect timing.
This gives the boxer an opportunity to block or dodge most punches thrown at him and good base to fire punches from.
The punch came wild and hit the pilot in the jaw, throwing him to the deck.
"Every punch he threw," Toney said, "I deflected with my shoulders and arms."
There were words, and by some accounts, punches thrown, but no one ever pressed any charges.
"This kid is the whole ball of wax, throws every punch in the book" is the way Dundee described Levin.
Don't-" The big Drathian took a quick step, threw a punch at me.
"But how big a punch she can throw."
It helps that he has an industrial-strength chin that enables him to keep coming, absorbing punches to throw his own.
The movements could be stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps and throws.