Quintus sized them up with the sharpened senses of pure despair.
A flash of pure despair made her groan.
It's strange, the kinds of unrelated thoughts that will intrude on even the purest despair.
"Sixteen Tons" is pure despair, despite the bounciness of Ford's 1956 hit version.
He cried out in purest despair, unaware of the enemy that sapped his defences.
The last word faded into a low moan of pure black despair.
They made such a fuss about a sin or two, that a man went and did worse out of pure despair!
His voice was one of pure despair: "How did you know where we'd be?"
The way Killian said it, Sherman knew his own face must be a picture of pure despair.
"But freedom-" Cherenkov made a noise of pure despair.