Jab - A quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position.
He removed the man's helmet and then knocked him out with a quick punch to the head.
Jab This a quick punch thrown with the lead hand that does not have the boxer's full weight behind it.
She kicked one orc in the throat and took another down with three quick punches to the face.
He pulled his gun, slipped the safety off with a quick punch of his finger.
At once he followed through, two quick punches felling the man.
Indiana springs into action, stopping another priest with a quick punch in the stomach.
She could be tough, like a fighter boring in, all fists and short, quick punches that took your breath away.
A quick punch to the side then down, with hand starting just below the shoulder.
Just as quickly, he let go with two quick punches to the man's midsection, knocking him backward.