Jarrod wanted to reach through the bars and take a swipe at the Ghost, like some great, rabid beast.
I was a rabid beast in a cage.
The ones like Lori, who thought she was a rabid beast, would see to it.
How much more could the Hastur army stand before it turned upon itself like a rabid beast, or fell, unable to act in its own defense?
In Kansas, grain trucks rule the road, a second bed flapping behind the main one like some rabid metallic beast.
When she fell asleep I did not worry about freak summer storms or marauding rabid beasts.
She stared at me as if I were a rabid beast.
"It had no more honor, heart or soul than a rabid beast!"
Hanks had posted more than 4,000 comments over three years, including one in which he described black people as "rabid beasts".
He was like a rabid beast now, with just enough cunning and depraved ingenuity to make him truly dangerous.