He was generally blind to his own mistakes and reacted fiercely to criticism or suggestions from below.
Even today, she reacts fiercely if her son is criticized, seeing it as an attack on the nation.
It was Frosya who reacted fiercely.
Little wonder, then, that Edward reacted fiercely and swiftly.
The Pentagon reacted fiercely to the move by Congressional leaders.
He sensed competition and reacted fiercely.
The despots used magic to suppress the theows, and reacted fiercely to any conceivable challenge.
So they reacted fiercely when they took black or mulatto seamen out of privateers.
He tried to regain control of the squad with his strictness, but most of the players reacted fiercely by training and playing even more poorly.
One like her would react fiercely to that, he judged.