Shakespeare did not read Plutarch in Greek.
It could be nothing but evil.... It is probably with a mind made up on these points that Shakespeare read Plutarch and wrote his play.
Shakespeare and Plutarch: Students in Mason's schools studied Shakespeare and read Plutarch regularly, as well.
Between the antagonists stands the neither/nor character Captain Vere (James King), a Pilatelike sophisticate who reads Plutarch in his spare time.
Then he had read Plutarch, the liar!
Strangely, though, he doesn't mention reading Plutarch on the battlefield.
"I had read Plutarch and the Greek stories," Dr. de Boer recalled.
I read Lincoln, Hobbes and Plutarch; the metaphysical poets; and Elizabethan drama.
We cannot read Plutarch without a tingling of the blood; and I accept the saying of the Chinese Mencius: "A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages.
A paean to stoicism that Mr. Clayton says Poussin may have drawn just after reading Plutarch, it shows Cato on his bed, beside an open volume of Plato's "Phaedo."