In ADO.NET, a DataReader is a broad category of objects used to sequentially read data from a data source.
Even though the book is best read sequentially, every chapter can also be read independently as a self-contained tale with an emphasis on a particular aspect of modern biology.
Each chip reset or branch instruction would update the program counter in the memory devices, after which instruction stream data would be read sequentially.
The first sector is the first kilobytes of the disk in sequence, if the drive is read sequentially starting with the first available storage address.
Critics have argued whether the triptych should be read sequentially from left to right.
This means that for sequentially reading tracks near the head, access time can be quick, as fast as 4 milliseconds, which surpasses the fastest Winchester drives.
These collections are rich in history, although they are not the kind of history one would expect to read sequentially from cover to cover.
Screen-reader software reads sequentially, starting at the top of the page.
Some drives like the OCZ Throttle and the PQI i820 appear to be just as fast, regardless of whether the blocks are read sequentially or randomly.
The track titles, if read sequentially, form a short story.