When a reader contacted us about it, we checked our caption and corrected it.
He is very proud, however, of the book and that no reader ever contacted him with a negative experience from having used his procedures.
She said the readers contact them more about television and "who fancies who" rather than with reaction to stories about Muslims.
You could leave messages in library books as bookmarks so that other readers of the same subjects could contact you.
Several readers then contacted us, complaining that the same thing had happened to them.
Also, to influence the vote in Congress, an advertisement must generate enough passion to persuade readers to contact their representatives.
Usually, it involves the reader contacting an editor (either by phone or in-person visit), pointing out the mistake and providing the correct information.
Several readers have already contacted me regarding foul play and the role of the touch-judge.
There are often people that the reader must contact, usually spies themselves or else working in league with Spy Center.
When I addressed cost basis last month, readers contacted me and essentially said "thanks, but we have more questions."