- With secure access, authorized personnel can obtain real-time reports on completion by users, groups, and agencies.
PowerSchool essentially acted as a real-time report for students and parents.
You can also take on a search marketing agency to carry out these critical tasks on your behalf and provide you with real-time reports.
Green priest contacts will relay real-time reports from Osquivel-no matter what happens there.
Renamed "Air de Paris balloon" in 2008, it became an indicator of air quality by providing real-time reports on atmospheric pollution thanks to its lighting system.
Its real-time report consisting of 50 criteria helps to instantly spot critical issues that could impact web traffic, usability and lead generation.
Aplia keeps instructors loosely informed about student participation, progress, and real-time graphical reports.
The Attitude Adjuster scanned the real-time reports coming back from its war flock.
Ultimately it was those real-time reports, shining through amid the media naysayers' commentary, that destroyed the credibility of our major media news outlets.
I'll be at ground zero, giving both of you real-time reports.