The children's series from the "Spooky" series by Günter Meyer is thus the continuation of Ghost in the realm of shadows.
The intelligence world, East and West, was a realm of moral shadows.
They moved like phantom riders through an enchanted realm of shadows.
A realm of terrible shadows. . . . Guess I should be glad you can't.
In the twilight the battle seemed to have moved farther away, into a realm of shadows like the past.
It fell open, and she darted across the open space, a flitting white ghost in a realm of black shadows and red flame.
Suppressing a shiver, Ragnar pulled his stinking wolfskin cloak tight around his shoulders and trudged for-wards into the realm of shadows.
And when they started moving, light became a power that magically seemed to bring them out of a realm of shadows and then return them to it.
And they became for ever invisible save to him that wore the Ruling Ring, and they entered into the realm of shadows.
By emphasizing sharp contrasts between gloom and brightness, Renee Molina's lighting keeps making the performers suddenly materialize from a sinister realm of shadows.