The Irish poet has asserted a significant influence on Thumboo, as Thumboo recognizes parallels between Ireland's nationalistic struggle and Singapore's breakaway from colonialism.
These crises are integral to the modern condition of both East and West, and recognizing such parallels enables Muslims to engage more productively with their Western counterparts.
OIC investigators and prosecutors recognized parallels between Mr. Jordan's relationship with Ms. Lewinsky and his earlier relationship with a pivotal Whitewater-Madison figure, Webster L. Hubbell.
I should also emphasize that the characters are all wholly fictional creatures, though many of you will recognize certain historical parallels and mysteries around which the plot is based.
Young readers may recognize parallels with their own lives in even her most magical adventures: the loneliness of feeling peculiar, the devastation of betrayal, the pride of sharing your talents and the joy of finding people to love and trust.
Recognizing parallels between the play and his own life, he resolves to murder his bosses, but is captured and executed.
To this extent, I recognize great parallels with the draft directive on consumer goods guarantees.
Commenters on the ethnic or national origins of shanties, writing in the 19th century when shanties were still in wide use, generally supposed the genre to originate in America and recognized parallels to African-American singing-as opposed to earlier English traditions from Britain.
"Fawlty Towers" aficionados will recognize parallels to Polly, the desk clerk, and Manuel, the jittery bellhop from Barcelona.