Using standard VHS cassettes, a program can be viewed simply by inserting the recorded tape into a home videocassette recorder.
John McBain and Officer Fish hear the phone call off on the recorded tape.
Many cues used in the film feature a Chamberlin, a keyboard instrument from the 1950s that replicates instrumental sounds using recorded tape.
There is an informative recorded tape in several languages (you listen on headphones as you tour the attractions) to help you make the most of your visit.
Another important feature of his music is the degree of improvisation required of soloists,generally in response to a pre recorded tape.
On his desk are a tape-recorder and a number of tins containing reels of recorded tape.
The customer would then pay for and receive the recorded tape from a clerk at the store's register.
After Resse kills herself in the bathtub, she leaves a recorded tape saying "I'm sorry Emily, but I'm just so tired."
Included was the method of rewinding the recorded tape, to be played back while Fripp would improvise a guitar solo on top of it.
Degenhoff was already at work with the transmitter, preparing the recorded tape.