Hekat smiled at the warlords walking down to the crater's red floor.
At last the warlords and their high godspeakers reached the crater's red floor.
Each room has its floor in different colors like royal blue and red.
And there it was, on the floor, red, blue and expensive, stretching from wall to wall.
Despite the red floor, I noticed a glistening pool of blood near its hindquarters.
If she's bad, they must stand on the red floor on the right side of the room to burst her.
Sure enough the landlady appeared across the black and red tiled floor.
O'Keeffe kept her books, about 3,000 of them, in a compact room painted bright yellow with red floor tiles.
After the food and the tributes, the guests danced into the small hours of the morning on a red floor marked by Time's insignia.
The stage: a square of shiny red floor, with the audience all around.