It included concrete steps to alleviate tensions and reduce prejudice.
This supports the notion that intergroup contact, under the right conditions, can reduce prejudice.
Peacebuilding - to promote understanding between different groups, and reduce prejudice and conflict.
In 1960, Johnson began conducting research on reducing prejudice and became involved in the national civil rights movement.
As in previous years, this year attention was drawn to reducing prejudice against homosexuals, even if only for one day.
There have been several strategies developed for reducing the tension, bias, prejudice, and conflict between social groups.
A number of these models utilize a superordinate identity to reduce prejudice.
There are also techniques for reducing prejudice that utilize interdependence between two or more groups.
Education which helps people to think for themselves and keep an open mind is thought to reduce prejudice and conflict.
Discussion question: What can be done to help reduce prejudice in our society?