It had no fat but plenty of refined carbohydrates: sweeteners in their various forms.
It is the same old non-indigenous muckheap of refined white carbohydrates and unwholesome fats.
The refined carbohydrates - white flour, rice and pasta - should be replaced by wholemeal versions.
Increasing that to about 20% to 25% can reduce your risk of heart disease as long as you're substituting protein for refined carbohydrates.
It can be used as a healthy alternative to more refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta or hulled rice.
When a person eats sugar and other refined carbohydrates, these bacteria produce acid that removes minerals from the surface of the tooth.
They worry that people buying breads made with white flour and other refined carbohydrates ought to be encouraged to eat the best kind of grains.
Public school lunches reflect the American diet; they're too high in fat and refined carbohydrates.
For the non-obese patients, simply reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may control the diabetes for a time at least.
So is eating more fish (and taking fish oil supplements) and consuming fewer refined carbohydrates.