He built his own reflector telescope even hand-grinding the lenses.
Most amateur reflector telescopes need to be re-collimated every few years to maintain optimum performance.
A line of inexpensive reflector telescopes followed the Sputnik-inspired science craze in the late 1950s.
One of my law partners mailordered a big reflector telescope for his twelve-year-old kid's birthday and had it sent to the office.
Almost every professional reflector telescope in the world is of the Ritchey-Chrétien design.
Like the Schiefspiegler, it is an unobstructed, tilted reflector telescope.
At the time, all reflector telescopes with an aperture of 2 metres or more were located in the northern hemisphere.
At the other end was a surprisingly large reflector telescope set in a perspex cupola.
Johnson built a new telescope, a 6-inch reflector telescope, by himself, in 1960.
He helped develop a 107-inch-diameter reflector telescope, the world's third largest when it began operating in 1965.