This is an important point with reference to India in view of its stark income, regional and rural/urban inequalities.
Only substantial government control and ownership of industry can hope to deal with regional inequalities of employment.
One possible answer is that globalized market forces increase regional inequalities within traditional nation-states.
This way, social and regional inequalities started to diminish.
Turkey quickly needs to evolve a comprehensive approach in order to reduce regional inequality.
The path marked out by the Commission, with the demand for institutional changes, is exacerbating social and regional inequalities.
Unfortunately, in these areas, in both of them, unemployment and regional inequality, the situation is far from good.
Either of these could result in the existing regional inequalities becoming more pronounced, as previous speakers have repeatedly said.
In a country like ours, where regional inequalities are dreadful and getting worse, this needs to be recognised.
A systems study in regional inequality: Norrbotten, a fourth of Sweden.