There are test frameworks that can be used for regression testing of user interfaces.
Many times, this can be a cost effective method for regression testing of software products that have a long maintenance life.
With a 6 week cycle, how in the world are you able to do any sort of solid regression testing?
In addition, the tester faces more difficulty when they have to do regression testing.
The intent of regression testing is to ensure that a change such as those mentioned above has not introduced new faults.
One approach to avoiding this kind of problem is regression testing.
Fraser & Hanson 1995 has a brief section on regression testing; source code is available.
If not detected by regression testing, these subtle failures make subsequent changes to the system more difficult.
Thus, it is worth considering automating tests if they are to be executed several times, for example as part of regression testing.
Defining an efficient strategy for regression testing becomes possible.