Other variations include children's games, contests or activities meant to help players reinforce skills.
Other variations include contests or activities intended to help the player practice or reinforce skills, which may or may not have a competitive aspect.
Weekly Reader helps students read, write, talk, and listen, while reinforcing themes and skills taught in basal reading programs.
Applications of these studies are used to reinforce skills needed in today's modern agriculture industry.
- Promote an approach to history education, which supports peace and stability in Europe and reinforces democratic values and skills.
During guided reading time the other students are engaged in reading workstations that reinforce various skills.
This can help reinforce personal skills.
A third semester has been added to the 1L curriculum, beginning in fall 2010, to further reinforce excellent writing skills.
Weekly discussions, patient interviews, and examination of hospitalized patients reinforce essential clinical skills.
In the primary grades students reinforce basic skills with manipulatives and math games that align with literacy.