The question the rejections raise is whether historic district boundaries should ever include land zoned for a drastically different density than the developed, historic land around it.
The question many in Connecticut are asking is why did Mr. Rowland make rejection of the raises the first major proposal of his new administration?
The rejection, announced by Prime Minister Shamir, raises doubts about peace prospects.
His rejection of attempts to "justify" repression raises questions about whether the Kremlin is taking a tougher line against partial rehabilitation of the dictator's image.
Society's rejection of the poet and his work, while it left him bitter, did not raise a barrier to his writing.
To the Israelis, Mr. Abbas's rejection of the proposal raised doubts about his willingness to take action.
So his rejection raises a discomfiting question: When anyone with a laptop can publish to millions, what makes a so-called working journalist special?
Their rejection did not make of them 'social outcasts'(save to the unseeing) but raised their mark intensely: they were closest to God.
The pael's rejection of the widely praised drug raised controversy among cardiologists.
Mr. Sullivan's rejection raises the nightmarish possibility that Oregon won't be allowed to decide treatment on the basis of diagnostic category.