His relentless curiosity about mankind seemed perverse and unnatural.
In addition there was his relentless curiosity: about male and female, rich and poor, young and old, good and bad.
The only way to obtain the information you need to allow you to make proper decisions is to keep an open mind and maintain a relentless curiosity.
Instead of simply offering fourth-grade math to third graders, for example, the curriculum is designed to meet the relentless curiosity of its gifted students.
Chen added that her relentless curiosity helped her gain much needed knowledge about the industry.
Last year our reviewer, Michael E. Ross, praised the author's "passionate, relentless curiosity" and the depth of his reporting.
With his cheerful personality and relentless curiosity, Mr. Loeb has long had the air of a little boy who can't believe he is so lucky as to live the life he does.
Gordon has a kind of relentless curiosity about the world.
With a reporter's passionate, relentless curiosity, Dent plumbs the reasoning behind such contrary voices, finding a variant of the individualism white America largely takes for granted.
Novelists are frequently asked where they get their ideas (see category No. 2), but writers must wonder where this relentless curiosity, these really strange questions, come from.