He said the building would include many shrines so that "all religions can enter and leave through one door."
When spirituality becomes a selling point, like mother-of-pearl buttons, then religion has entered the realm to which it's supposed to provide a detached alternative.
But religion and politics, all mixed together, have since entered the picture in a big way.
They're the standard fare of malcontents and mobs the world over, religion doesn't enter into it.
When religion enters into a conflict, so does intense emotion.
Since the 1980s the term "new religions" or "new religious movements" has slowly entered into Evangelical usage, alongside the word "cult".
He postulated that religion "cannot enter our public schools and pupils think it of little importance when it cannot be taught as other subjects."
When religion entered into it and how much the individual rep influences the eventual /current views.
In July 1989 the religion entered Mongolia.
Slowly, religion entered her life, along with accomplishment.