(There is a related "experiment in remote printing" using the tpc.int domain, that uses this method to address email to fax machines.)
Yesterday, a group of technology companies introduced PrintMe Networks, an Internet-based service that would permit remote printing without cables or any special setup.
In the original Xerox concept, applications protocols such as remote printing, filing, etc., ran above a remote procedure call protocol named Courier.
Other services including 2780/3780 Bisync support, remote printing, X.25 gateway and SDLC pipe lines were added in the 1978 to 1984 era.
Version 5.0 was released with remote control from Pocket PC devices added along with remote printing.
Other features include slide shows, sharing, local and remote printing and interacting with the Shutterfly web site.
Some large newspapers also use remote digital printing to solve the distribution problems in remote areas in Indonesia.
Allowing remote printing of documents over the Internet.
To use the system, begun this month as an experiment in remote printing, computer mail users include a fax telephone number in the address portion of their message.
Personal Edition - commercial version geared towards home or small-business users, with authentication and encryption, remote printing, chat and file transfer; only runs on Windows.