These are no longer made, but replacement washers are still available.
However, before doing so, be sure you have replacement washers on hand to insert beneath the slip nuts, which connect the trap to the plumbing on each side.
The washers will deteriorate with exposure to hard water or if the stem is over- tightened, but replacement washers are cheap and easy to replace.
Remove it, take it with the stem when buying a replacement washer that will fit the base of the stem snugly.
Obtain replacement washers for all that are on the plunger; usually, there are at least two.
The replacement washer must fit tightly into the brass cup at the base of the stem.
As for Chrysler's recall, Andy Kaplan, a Dodge dealer in Salem, Va., praised the company, saying a replacement washer was installed "in 10 minutes" on the one L/H vehicle he has received, a Dodge Intrepid.