The other two candidates for the seat represented Liberal Democrats, Green and Natural Law parties.
Reportedly, the blue represents Democrats and the red, Republicans; the two colors are divided by a white band and four white stars.
"We think the Federal court has to back off," said Edward N. Costikyan, a Manhattan lawyer representing incumbent Democrats in Congress.
Bob has represented Republicans, Democrats, the African-American community, the Hispanic Community, and others in his work nationally in election law.
The real thing was that to him, tall buildings represented Democrats.
He said that the uncommitted slates also represented Democrats who were not yet prepared to make a choice among the declared candidates.
Our block association, representing 1,600 people, Republicans, Democrats and independents, has often reached out to elected officials for help.
"I only sought one endorsement, but I represent Democrats, independents, Republicans and people who don't vote," he said.
Represents Democrats on the House floor.
Ms. Shriver stepped in front of her husband and proclaimed, "He will represent Democrats, independents, Republicans, men and women, all across this state."