Strong proposals are to be debated in coming days, including legislation that would require lobbyists and lawmakers to provide fuller public disclosures of who raises how much for whom.
However, the bill would neither bar others in the legislator's firm from appearing before state agencies nor require lawmakers to disclose their clients' names.
A14 The House narrowly passed legislation that requires lobbyists to disclose more of their activities, increases penalties for violations and requires lawmakers and their aides to attend ethics training.
For his part, Mr. Obey said he had previously proposed a rule requiring lawmakers to certify that they had no financial interest in their earmarks requests.
This would require lawmakers in Albany - the governor appoints the authority's board members - to give up substantial power, something that few believe is possible.
Democratic leaders have said that they favor a nonbinding resolution simply requiring lawmakers to support or reject the president's policy.
This agenda requires leaders and lawmakers across New Jersey to stand for the working families and communities now saddled with congestion, pollution and other costs of overdevelopment.
Earlier, he signed a bill requiring lawmakers to abide by the same employment laws as private business.
Any plan to sell it or other state assets would require legislative approval and lawmakers from both parties have warned against moving too quickly.
Even if approved by the full body, the salaries will not go into effect until 2002, because of a rule requiring lawmakers to stand for election between voting for a raise and getting it.