Historically sensitive about their sovereignty and dignity, China's leaders resent foreign criticism.
Both resent foreign criticism of their human rights records, and both have strong military establishments with significant political influence.
Robert Morton, an executive producer for Mr. Letterman, said he resented criticism that the show was a "boys' club."
But he obviously resents criticism and privately expresses utter contempt for civilian political leaders, from community leaders to presidential candidates.
American officials resent and reject such criticism and say they have handled the case properly.
We all tend to resent criticism and lap up praise, regardless of whether either the criticism or the praise be justified.
Beijing bitterly resents even mild criticism of its human-rights record.
Poland appreciates different opinions and does not resent criticism.
"First of all, we resist anything that is new; secondly, we all resent criticism."
His son became a world champion, and Mosley resented criticism of his skills once his son decided to change trainers.