In Florida, residents approved a measure that will require the state to limit class sizes from kindergarten through high school.
Some residents of the township did not approve of this name.
In March 2004, by a 995-226 vote, residents approved a change in municipal status from a village into a city.
Homeowners pay an annual average of $2,600 in school taxes, and last year the residents approved an increase averaging about $36 a household.
But residents approved the bond measure and controls, 3,474 to 2,777.
The residents approved, and the town was incorporated as Atlanta on December 29, 1847.
Local residents approved of this and it was left as it is found today.
A month later, after campaigning by the plant's supporters, residents approved it in a second vote, 513 to 424.
On May 16, 1970, residents of the college district approved $4,750,000 for a second phase of construction.
After all, residents approved the windows in an October 1986 referendum.