However, many long-term residents do not favor this proposal.
Nor is it clear that the city's residents will favor the Americans over their enemies.
Many residents favored the return of Fascism, even though they realized the consequences.
Though there are plenty of opponents, some residents favor the plant and the jobs and taxes it might generate.
Some residents favored renting it to the highest bidder.
Though new buyers seem interested in the condo boom, current residents do not necessarily favor it.
Eventually, it was decided to take a vote to see if residents favored dividing the county in two.
It also found that black and Hispanic residents favored the school construction tax plan more strongly than the overall group; 90 percent of them answered yes.
Moreover, residents of such neighborhoods may favor unlicensed cabs even if licensed taxis are available.
On the other hand, the residents of the major towns despised the Neapolitan royal government and often favored the French.