Although warnings were issued for the Mariana Islands, most residents did not heed warnings.
But before rushing out to enjoy the winter weather, residents should heed precautions against frostbite issued last week by the County Department of Health.
Many residents heeded the warnings to stay home and many businesses closed for the weekend.
More than 300 residents of the five towns heeded her appeal.
Most residents had heeded warnings on the radio and had taken shelter on higher ground, but dozens had stayed behind to guard their properties.
By and large, residents and business owners along Fifth Avenue heeded the mayor's request not to erect barriers around their buildings, as they did in the past.
Officials declared a voluntary evacuation for Grand Isle, though few residents heeded the recommendation.
American troops stepped up patrols and operated checkpoints across much of the city, and most of the capital's neighborhoods remained calm as residents heeded the curfew.
Largely because of the unremarkable weather, few residents heeded the warning.
While the storm's intensity surprised meteorologists, most residents heeded calls for evacuation.