If profit is a motive, some residents urge Starbucks to give the shop more time.
But in an unusual reversal, the residents of the neighborhood are urging the city to close the park.
For almost two decades, some residents have urged the city to declare at least part of the neighborhood a historic district.
Which is exactly what many residents have been urging the council to do, in the form of a nonbinding referendum.
Some residents urged the board to postpone action on the plan until a task force begins studying the park in June.
Some social workers and residents urged the government to relocate the storage facilities.
The alarm had been sounded some five hours before the waves hit and residents urged to evacuate.
Some black residents had urged felony homicide charges against the officer.
The preservation group and many residents have urged the university to dim the lights after hours or, turn them off completely.
Some residents of the area have urged the group to hire a 24-hour guard.