As the district's residents come out and watch the police actions, Lily puts on her wedding ring.
Local residents watched as firefighters attempted to tackle the blaze.
While residents of Cortes watched, it burst its banks and flooded the town, where more than 2,000 people live.
Soldiers and other workers can be seen pulling down damaged homes as injured residents watch.
The head of a local taxpayers' group said that residents were watching O'Neill's plans, and so far like what they see.
Many residents watch the balloons from the comfort of their backyards.
Flushing residents are watching the explosion of commercial development closely.
Berkman notes that the other residents watch an empty seat at the table.
Edwin looked uncertainly towards the common room, where some residents were watching a sitcom.
They share similar rates of education, income and unemployment; their residents even watch the same television shows.