The Prado Museum was thrown into disarray this weekend after the resignation of its third director in barely three years.
Yet after months of uncertainty, stemming from an increasingly unmanageable deficit and the resignation of its artistic director, a major American cultural institution has an opportunity for rebirth.
It also resulted in the resignation of the school's athletic director, the firing of two assistant coaches, and the dismissal of six players from the team.
However, the grant approval still was not enough to prevent the resignation of Sound Transit's executive director, Bob White.
Yesterday, Senator D'Amato called for the resignation of the museum's director.
The problem was that to get Don in, I had to ask for the resignation of the department's longtime director, Arch Ford.
With the financial crunch has come the resignation of the museum's director, Walter Hopps, who said he would "pursue an independent curatorial role" in the field of 20th-century art.
Debate about the plan has also resulted in a demand for the resignation of the museum's director, Elizabeth Esteve-Coll, by nearly half her staff.
The project also suffered other setbacks, including the resignation of its director, E. Michael Campbell, amid questions about his academic credentials.
The center shut down after failing to close a $400,000 deficit in its $2.5 million budget and after the resignation of its executive director, Michael Unthank.