The resultant confusion was compounded by an inept public relations effort that added to the mistrust it was intended to quell.
The rhythm of the pitcher is unnecessarily interfered with, and the resultant confusion serves only to make the game less enjoyable.
In the resultant confusion, he manages to escape and is chased through the streets of Berlin at night.
The consequences for the country, especially in the many cases where the recipient government is not able to sort out the resultant confusion, can at worst be disastrous.
The resultant confusion makes it unclear who owns the rights, and who can give permissions.
The resultant confusion caused numerous delays, ruining the schedule of the 'drop-to-contact' plan, and much of the advantage of surprise.
He feared the advantages which might fall to the USSR in the resultant confusion.
To avoid the resultant confusion and uncertainty, Narla went to the US to be with his seven children and their families.
Whittle had overlooked the matter in the resultant confusion, but that was no valid excuse.
The Gap Dragon bore down on the castle, and in the resultant confusion little Ivy got lost in the jungle beyond the castle.