As the day progressed, more troops would leave the battlefield to retreat westward.
The fluid situation on the ground meant units retreated rapidly westward.
The Cornish retreated westward until it was no longer a first language by the end of the 18th century.
Breslau was close, and getting closer all the time as the driver retreated westward.
Soon after, a slow uplift caused the sea to gradually retreat westward.
During the Carboniferous, the sea retreated westward and was replaced by large swamps growing in river deltas.
As we advanced to the assault, he gave way, retreated westward, and was soon lost in the fog.
Those who did not surrender retreated westward, leaving behind 1,000 captured men and all of their remaining ammunition.
When Federal reinforcements arrived the next day, the Confederates retreated westward.
As his brother grew more powerful, Zhizhi retreated westward.