As a result, a new Justice could tip the balance in favor of reversing Roe v. Wade.
I have no doubt that, one day, we will reverse Roe v. Wade and reform a culture that has cheapened human life.
After 16 years of trying to reverse Roe v. Wade through legislative action, abortion opponents concede that their only hope lies with the Supreme Court.
"I think we just took abortions for granted," she said, while, "the other side has been plotting since 1973 about how to reverse Roe v. Wade."
The fear held by many pro-choice groups of the Court "reversing" Roe v. Wade is not irrational.
He will probably vote to reverse Roe v. Wade.
"It's clear you have to reverse Roe v. Wade if you're going to find the Guam or Louisiana law constitutional," he said.
"And in the next 45 days it's not likely there's going to be a new Justice on the Supreme Court that will reverse Roe v. Wade."
The bill would only go into effect if the United States Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade.
John Kerry responded that he would appoint no justice who would reverse Roe v. Wade.