Back in the 1960's, the founders of the Mujahedeen were students who melded revolutionary Islam with Marxism, and they were among the few to battle the shah with weapons.
Its leaders define Iran's revolutionary character largely as anti-American and anti-Israeli, while the United States is seeking to slow the spread of revolutionary Islam.
In contrast, the revolutionary Islam preached by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is a serious alternative political ideology for the Arabs.
As things stand today, it seems that the very different worlds of revolutionary Islam and Western democracy are determined on a collision course.
President Khomeini accused them of attempting to use religious law as "a flag under which they can crush revolutionary Islam".
The uniform of revolutionary Islam is the classic black chador.
Turkey is recasting itself as a buffer state and as a bulwark, only this time against revolutionary Islam.
Preaching his incendiary brand of revolutionary Islam at storefront mosques in Brooklyn and Jersey City, the rotund, diabetic cleric quickly captured the attention of law-enforcement authorities.
For the true believers, the uniform of revolutionary Islam is the classic black chador.
For Khomeini's brand of revolutionary Islam inspired others.