They're a bunch of rich idiots with no morals.
Jase had never quite as clearly seen how closely Euphemism resembled the those rich young idiots he'd known at Annapolis.
Joyce has two suitors: Sam, a rich idiot, and Moneylove, an impoverished scholar.
The ship had been designed to be a rich idiot's toy.
- 1 month 25 days ago I'm sick and tired of hearing about all of these rich idiots and what's tough about their lives.
How on earth did we end up with a bunch of rich ignorant idiots running the government of this country?
And the players, who have every reason to believe all owners are rich idiots, are going to laugh at them.
Alan - 7 days ago Here's what I have to say about these rich idiots: They can go eat gold!
And that's what you're shooting up these rich idiots with, isn't it?
New York and Washington in particular were full of rich idiots, but Ryan thought the Rabbit needed a little while before he learned that lesson.